Reviewer Information

The IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems (OJ-CSYS) is a new publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society covering the theory, design, optimization, and applications of Dynamic Systems and Controls. The journal’s main mission is the promotion of open access to all control systems research and education publications, including software, and data by drawing on the knowledge and help of the expert technical community. To that end, Reviewers play an integral role in the success of the journal by evaluating in a timely manner both the quality of the technical contribution and the quality of the assigned papers.
Reviewers are picked for being leading researchers in the field, who have authored relevant papers presented in high-profile journals and conferences. In addition to this criteria, our goal is to select Reviewers with an interest in the paper topic, as this is likely to yield a positive experience for the Reviewer and succinct yet sufficiently detailed evaluations and recommendations for the authors.
Become a Reviewer
To be considered as a reviewer of OJ-CSYS, please go to CSS PaperPlaza, click on ‘register a new PIN’, and add or update your keyword database entry.
Reviewers will need to contact the OJ-CSYS editorial assistant after setting themselves up on CSS PaperPlaza. Please include a CV, a list of previous publications and areas of expertise. Read and download the guidelines for reviewers here.