Current Special Sections
Intersection of Machine Learning with Control (recurring) — Now open!
Control Theory Fundamentals of Multi-Agent Systems — Now open!
Safe Motion Planning and Control for Autonomous Driving Under Multi-Source Uncertainty — Now open!
Previous Special Sections
See all previously published special sections.
The first 16 published papers in the special section Intersection of Machine Learning with Control are eligible to receive a 50% discount on article processing charges (APCs).
The first 10 published papers in the special section Control Theory Fundamentals of Multi-Agent Systems are eligible to receive a 50% discount on APCs.
Restrictions apply. Please contact the editorial assistant for more information.
Effective 1 January 2025, the APC is US$2075.
For other possible APC discounts, please see the Article Processing Charges section of the For Authors page.
Special Section Proposals
Special Sections cover state-of-the-art topics, aiming to contribute to a growing area of interest. Special Sections include articles, overviews, position/outlook and tools papers in a specific technology area.
To be considered as a Guest Senior Editor of a Special Section, first view the Special Section Proposal Guidelines. You may then submit a proposal via the online submission system. Potential Guest Senior Editors should be renowned experts in the field the section focuses on. Proposals should include a timeline, specific topics, list of potential guest associate editors that would assist with the review process, as well as a list of potential authors.