Current Special Sections

Intersection of Machine Learning with Control (recurring) — Now open!

Control Theory Fundamentals of Multi-Agent Systems — Now open!

Safe Motion Planning and Control for Autonomous Driving Under Multi-Source Uncertainty — Now open!

Previous Special Sections

See all previously published special sections.

Discounts on APCs

The first 16 published papers in the special section Intersection of Machine Learning with Control are eligible to receive a 50% discount on article processing charges (APCs).

The first 10 published papers in the special section Control Theory Fundamentals of Multi-Agent Systems are eligible to receive a 50% discount on APCs.

Restrictions apply. Please contact the editorial assistant for more information.

Effective 1 January 2025, the APC is US$2075.

For other possible APC discounts, please see the Article Processing Charges section of the For Authors page.

Special Section Proposals

Special Sections cover state-of-the-art topics, aiming to contribute to a growing area of interest. Special Sections include articles, overviews, position/outlook and tools papers in a specific technology area.

To be considered as a Guest Senior Editor of a Special Section, first view the Special Section Proposal Guidelines. You may then submit a proposal via the online submission system. Potential Guest Senior Editors should be renowned experts in the field the section focuses on. Proposals should include a timeline, specific topics, list of potential guest associate editors that would assist with the review process, as well as a list of potential authors.