Special Section on Intersection of Machine Learning with Control
Editor: Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
Georgia Institute of Technology
United States
Submission Window: 15 Oct 2024 – 15 April 2025
Harnessing the power of machine learning to continuously monitor and detect anomalies advances the state of the art in instrumentation control. Learning-enabled systems have been rapidly increasing in size and acquiring new capabilities. These systems are typically deployed in complex operating environments, so their safety becomes extremely important. Ensuring safety requires that systems are robust to extreme events while we can monitor them for anomalous and unsafe behavior. While traditional machine learning systems are evaluated pointwise with respect to a fixed test set, such static coverage provides only limited assurance when exposed to unprecedented conditions in complex operating environments. One key question that remains unanswered is “how can we design and deploy learning-enabled systems that can be robust to extreme events while monitoring them for anomalous and unsafe behavior?” This special issue aims to contribute to this growing area of interest and thus calls for papers in this topical area.
Topics of interest for this special issue include and are not limited to:
> Machine learning for dimensionality reduction and system identification
> Emerging applications for learning-based control
> Data-driven optimization and control for dynamical systems
> Safe reinforcement learning and safe adaptive control
> Bridging model-based and learning-based control systems
> Distributed learning over distributed systems
> Reinforcement learning for multiagent systems
> Optimization, dynamics and control for machine learning
> Reinforcement learning and statistical learning for dynamical and control systems
Special Section Schedule:
> Special Section Submission Window: 15 October 2024 – 15 April 2025
> Notification of reviews of and recommendations: 10 weeks after initial submission
> Final notification of regular papers: 20 weeks after initial submission
> Manuscript publication on IEEE Xplore: 24 weeks after initial submission
Submission Site: https://css.paperplaza.net/journals/ojcs/scripts/login.pl
Length: 10-15 pages, not including references. Justification of longer papers is required.
Discounts: The first 16 published papers in this volume of the special section are eligible to receive a 50% discount on article processing charges (APCs).
Guest Senior Editor

Name: Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology
Guest Associate Editors

Name: Negar Mehr
Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley

Name: Fei Miao
Affiliation: University of Connecticut

Name: Vaibhav Srivastava
Affiliation: Michigan State University

Name: Rushikesh Kamalapurkar
Affiliation: University of Florida

Name: Hamidreza Modares
Affiliation: Michigan State University

Name: Shaunak Bopardikar
Affiliation: Michigan State University

Name: Weinan Gao
Affiliation: Northeastern University

Name: Shubhendu Bhasin
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Name: Tiago Roux De Oliveira
Affiliation: State University of Rio de Janeiro

Name: Thinh Doan
Affiliation: University of Texas at Austin

Name: Ashish Hota
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur